
The Duxford Soap Box Derby is a fantastic charity event that brings people together to support Cancer Research UK while having fun at the same time. 1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime.You can play your part by doing your own fundraising to help beat it. Below are ways you can setup online and paper sponsorship to help raise more funds for Cancer Research UK.

Building an online sponsorship page

Building an online sponsorship page is the best way to collect funds in support of Cancer Research UK. All donations go directly to CRUK the moment they are paid in and you can join our virtual team and have your fundraising efforts join up with our own. To do so just follow the

1. Go to the Soap box derby team page

You can navigate to the Duxford Soap Box Derby’s team 2024 fundraising page. Once there you will see all of our current fundraising efforts for 2024 and our online donation total.

2. Scroll down to team members

Scroll down the page until you get to the Team member section. Click on the Join team button.

Team member page on our 2024 fundraising team page

You will be asked to log into Cancer Research’s platform or to create a new giving page.

CURK Giving login and creation page

We are going to assume you have created an account with Cancer Research UK Giving page. If not please finish that and restart this flow.

3. Create your page

Now follow the steps to create your page but click on the button that says Do my own thing.

Create a CRUK Giving Page

4. Something didn’t go right

Just use our contact us page and let us know. We’ll do what we can to help.

Paper sponsorship forms

If you are more of a traditional person you can use the official Cancer Research UK sponsorship form. Please note if you do use a sponsorship form you should pay your money in via our committee so that your contributions will be recognised in our grand Duxford Soap Box Derby fundraising total.