Construction Guidelines and General Rules

  • No motorised/fuel-powered Soap Boxes allowed. Human powered propulsion only
  • No pedals or chain driven devices
  • The soap box must be steerable by the person inside. Steering by the pusher is not allowed
  • Dimensions can be no wider than 1 metre. There is no limit on length
  • No protruding sharp edges or parts, moving or otherwise, that could cause harm to spectators or participants and no parts can be attached to your Soap Box which could hinder other participant’s progress
  • Maximum of 4 wheels and a minimum of 3
  • Can be constructed in any material – an obvious advantage can be had by making it as light as possible
  • A single soap box can be entered into multiple races
  • Fancy dress and themed Soap Boxes are positively encouraged
  • There will be a prize for the ‘best turned-out Soap Box’ and this will be judged before the race starts with the winner announced after the race
  • Both runner and rider must be in contact with the vehicle at all times during the race
  • Your Soap Box will be checked for safety, scrutineering, before the race and if it does not meet the required standard then you’ll be invited to make the necessary adjustments. If that’s not possible or if the changes still do not make the Soap Box safe, then you must withdraw from the race
  • Scrutineering will be conducted at Graystones, St Peters Street, Duxford
  • Soap Boxes must ensure they give sufficient time to clear scrutineering. Failure to do so will result in your withdrawl from the race
  • Soap Boxes will be paraded from Graystones to the John Barleycorn Public House for the race start
  • It is the duty of the overtaking Soap Box to ensure any overtaking manouver can be completed safely
  • There is a non-refundable entry fee of £5 for the Children’s Race and £10 for the Adults Race which must be received by 31st August 2024

Additional rules apply for the Adult race and the Children’s Race. Further terms and conditions apply.